Is Viino (Formerly known as Vino Quarantino) a phoenix that rose from the pandemic’s ashes? Absolutely not. But it is an iso project born on the edge of Victoria’s heavy lockdown laws. And we’re proud to say it’s gained a life of its own. What started as a two month initiative selling to family and friends has blossomed into a brand that sits by your side when you’re contemplating the state of the world.
Family matters
At its heart, Viino is good wine at a good price. We’re an Australian-Italian family business that likes to keep it local from the produce to the final product. Some businesses would tell you a lot of love went into their product. We say a lot of love and exaggerated hand gestures go into ours!
We have fun blending nostalgia with the new: Australian grapes, made in a traditional European style. In bottles that remind some of our fans of their youth (or grandma’s sherry).
Nobody puts bulk wine in the corner
Cinzia (that’s pronounced Chin-zee-ah) is the brand’s Chief Ideas and Operations Person. If Viino has taught her one thing, it’s that pandemics and wine go together like rosemary and lamb. While working in a wine bar a few years ago, she noticed that the humble two-litre flagon was typically reserved for port. Cinzia sexed up the flagon to create a wine experience that can be shared in the park or around the dinner table.
Socially-distanced, yet well connected.
We were chuffed to learn that our little business was deemed a lockdown Essential Service. Since then, we’ve hand delivered flagons to doorsteps all over Victoria. We realised bulk wine can be beautiful while delivering to share houses and empty nesters alike and watched while many ordered bottles to loved ones who were celebrating, commiserating and everything in between. Our community is our stimulus and we’re always looking to collaborate with artists, writers, designers, chefs…(you get the idea). Right now we’re working hard to devise a sustainable services and to make the business a little more circular.
Have a question? Want to leave a review? Got an idea for a brand extension? Drop us a line!